Facts about the Titanic

We have all heard the story of the Titanic, and most of us have seen the movie, at least out of curiosity, if not for the Oscar-winning performances of the cast. But there are certain facts that you might have not known about the Titanic, and you do not need to call any special toll free numbers in order to know these facts. These next few lines should hopefully help you learn more about the most famous sinking ships throughout the history.

Even though no one was expecting such a thing to happen, the Titan hit an iceberg in the 14th of April, 1912, sinking less than three hours later. It seems that a drill involving the use of the lifeboats that were on board of the Titan was supposed to be held on the very same day the ship sank. Nevertheless, the Captain of the Titanic decided the drill should not take place. It is believed that many more lives could have been successfully saved, had the lifeboat drill been organized. No more than 37 seconds passed from the time the lookout alarm was triggered, when the iceberg was first spotted, and the reaction time that the crew was able to use to take necessary action. Officer Murdoch ordered for the Titanic to be turned to port, to the left side, and he also demanded for the engine room to put the engines in reverse. As an attendant of a nurse practitioner schooling institution, you might not be fully aware of the effect that such actions should have triggered. Unfortunately, Murdoch was also incapable of foreseeing the less than satisfying effects of his command, as the Titanic did bank left, but it was unable to avoid the following disaster.

Another important fact that is Titanic-related is the existence of an insufficient number of lifeboats on board. The manufacturers of the Titanic were so confident that the ship was not about to ship that they failed to provide it with the necessary number of lifeboats. Plus, the existing lifeboats were not used at their maximum capacity during evacuation. Lifeboats that had a capacity of 65 only carried 24 people, for example. More lives could have been saved, if the handling of the lifeboats would have been better attended.

Also, the moment the Titanic began to sink, distress signals were sent to Carpathia, a ship nearby. Nevertheless, it would seem that the Californian was much closer, but the Californian crew failed to properly answer the distress signals sent by the Titanic during those crucial moments. It would seem that at 12:45 a.m. on April 15, some Californian crew members noticed some lights in the sky, which were actually the distress flares that the Titanic crew had sent. The Californian crew then awoke the ship captain, telling him about the lights, but he did not find it necessary to take any further measures.

Now that you know more Titanic facts, you could go ahead and build some Dreamweaver templates that are Titanic-related.


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